Whenever you have delinquent tax returns, IRS considers you a scofflaw and will generally preclude you from most tax relief. In fact, IRS will often prepare a substitute return for you, assessing back taxes, liabilities, penalties and interests against you. The irony is that you may not even owe the IRS any money for your federal back taxes in New York! If you need to file a delinquent tax return, don’t let the problem get worse. Contact the back tax experts at Thorgood Law Firm in New York. The IRS reported more than 10 million delinquent filing in 2010 alone. If you have back taxes due and are in New York, Thorgood Law Firm will help you file all delinquent tax returns, and help you claim all of the deductions, exemptions and credits you are rightfully entitled to, and get you your refund if applicable. Contact us today to file your delinquent returns and deal with your back taxes. Thorgood Law is proud to serve the communities of New York.

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You’ve filed your tax return, how long does…

You’ve filed all of your tax returns, and because of your level of income you find yourself in the class of taxpayers whose return is more likely to trigger an…

Why You Should File Past Due Tax Returns,…

Taxpayers that have failed to file tax returns for some extended period of time should strongly consider doing so immediately. Even if taxpayers have filed for an extension, time is…

Who Is an IRS Revenue Officer? What To…

Finding out that an IRS Revenue Officer has been assigned to your case can feel overwhelming. You might wonder who these officers are, why they’ve contacted you, and what your…